SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! – 5 A/C Tips to Remember This Summer

Don’t let your A/C blow all your money away! By using these 5 helpful tips, you will pay less to cool your house this summer, while enjoying the cold air from the comfort of your own home.

  1. Schedule Annual Maintenance Checks
    By scheduling routine maintenance checks this allows for our company to catch anything that might cause problems later down the road and it also allows for your system to continue to run efficiently during the hot summer months.
  2. Avoid opening/closing doors and windows too much.
    This prevents letting the cold air out and the warm air in. It’s kinda like throwing money out the window!
  3. Seal any openings that may let the cold air escape.
    Seal any openings even the slightest space will allow for the summer heat to sneak into your house causing your A/C to work harder to keep your home cool.
  4. Utilize fans
    Ceiling fans and A/C units work together to keep you cool and save you money
  5. Clean and change your filters regularly.
    This helps your system run the way it should, keeping your house cool without breaking the bank!